Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sounds like Life!

So, David shares a country song once a month to a co-worker of his in an effort to convert him to country music. He came home and shared this song with me, so I thought I would share it with you. I think sometimes you relate to different songs more than others and right now this one is seems perfect for so many people out there going through trying times!! There isn't a video yet, but you should click on it and listen for a sec:)


Katie said...

Thanks for sharing! This is a great song! Hope you are doing well!

Janean said...

Yesterday when Brett got home from work I asked him if Dave shares a country song with him once a month in the hopes to get him to like country - he said yes. I had not idea. I'm actually not a big fan of country either so good luck getting him to like it - he's a tough one. I'm the only one in my family who does not like it. But I thought it was funny to hear Dave does this with Brett.