Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Day of School

Madison really didn't want me to take her picture, so I never was able to get a super great picture of her first day, these two are what I ended up with! She was excited she got to start school with her glasses. She's kinda funny!

This was the thumbs up she gave me when I picked her up from school.

Emma was a little hesitant, but she was sooo excited too (I inserted these out of order, sorry!). I LOVE that they wear uniforms - it makes school shopping SOOOOO easy!

Sunday Sam and his 9 month old smile!! :)

On Sunday while I was waiting for David and Emma to finish getting ready I took Sam outside and took some pictures since I haven't done any 9 month pictures yet! I am such a slacker!! But, I figured his Sunday clothes weren't going to fit too much longer so I should take 5 minutes and get a little somethin' somethin'! In this first picture the brown whisps of hair are Madisons as she was running out of the picture.

This one is my favorite pictures that I took that morning because you can see how long his eylashes are, I also love that you can see how cute and chubby his hands are while he intently studies his dead weed.